
We have employees who can assist with advice on:

  • Tax planning
  • Tax optimisation for principal shareholders and company
  • Restructuring
  • Business tax scheme
  • Taking possession of property
  • Vacation of property
  • VAT and tax on real property
  • International joint taxation

We also help prepare and submit tax returns for private individuals and companies.​

Optimum management of tax, VAT and other taxes and duties has a positive impact on your company's cash flow.

We assist with advice on the tax and VAT implications of all financial transactions both for companies and private individuals.

When it comes to companies, we do not only provide consulting services in connection with day-to-day operations, but also in case of more extraordinary circumstances, including acquisition or sale of business and real property, restructuring or setting up business abroad. We also have extensive experience in organising and implementing succession planning.

We provide consulting services on the tax treatment of staff benefits and incentive schemes, and inpatriation and expatriation of employees, including the special tax rules that apply to foreign labour.

We obtain binding answers from the authorities whenever there is uncertainty about the tax practice in the area.

Contact us

Nogle felter er ikke udfyldt korrekt

Kontakt os​

​Kontakt os gerne gennem vores kontakt formular eller ring til os på telefon 33 93 38 34.

Første møde

Første gang vi mødes er ganske uforpligtende. Igennem en god dialog finder vi sammen ud af hvad vi kan være behjælpelige med.

Opstart af ​samarbejde

Vi påbegynder arbejdet med de ydelser vi er blevet enige om at udføre og står selvsagt klar til yderligere sparring.

Det langvarige samarbejde​

Efter vi er blevet klogere på jeres virksomhed står vi yderligere klar til rådgivning vedr. alt fra generationsskifte, yderligere finansiering og andre gode råd.


Lindevangs Allé 4

2000 Frederiksberg - rutevejledning

Phone.: 33 93 38 34


CVR: 77926410​

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