Wealth planning

We have employees who can assist with advice on:

  • Investment properties for commercial purposes
  • Investment properties for housing purposes
  • Project advice
  • Buyer optimisation
  • Seller optimisation
  • VAT Land and buildings
  • Tax planning and optimisation
  • Homes purchased by parents for their children
  • Pension savings and pension plan
  • Company wills
  • Lasting power of attorney

​Wealth planning is the focus of our consulting services. A comprehensive financial overview gives you and your immediate family the best foundation for making the right decisions for living the life you want.

With our Wealth Plan and Senior Analysis, we are able to simulate and illustrate how your wealth will develop in different scenarios. 

Our Senior Analysis makes it easy to see how your financial choices affect your long-term goals and visions. Or what you need to do to turn them into reality.

We analyse your wealth based on risk across all your finances. This includes savings, investments, pensions, housing economics, tax matters and not least how you want to spend your wealth.​

Based on your goals and wishes, we will prepare a concrete plan for how you get the most out of your wealth - today and in the future.

We include the value of your business and all your other assets and liabilities in your wealth plan and we plan and update your wealth plan along with the valuation of your business at the annual accounting meeting so that an overall plan can be made for both your business and your overall wealth development each year.

We prepare a plan for the transfer of your business in connection with a future transfer of ownership and we identify the most likely buyers of your business.​

Contact us

Nogle felter er ikke udfyldt korrekt

Kontakt os​

​Kontakt os gerne gennem vores kontakt formular eller ring til os på telefon 33 93 38 34.

Første møde

Første gang vi mødes er ganske uforpligtende. Igennem en god dialog finder vi sammen ud af hvad vi kan være behjælpelige med.

Opstart af ​samarbejde

Vi påbegynder arbejdet med de ydelser vi er blevet enige om at udføre og står selvsagt klar til yderligere sparring.

Det langvarige samarbejde​

Efter vi er blevet klogere på jeres virksomhed står vi yderligere klar til rådgivning vedr. alt fra generationsskifte, yderligere finansiering og andre gode råd.


Lindevangs Allé 4

2000 Frederiksberg - rutevejledning

Phone.: 33 93 38 34

E-mail: info@albrechtsen.com

CVR: 77926410​

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Bogføring og moms