Real property

One of our main services is to provide consulting services regarding investment in real property and long-term optimisation of your assets.

Many substantial assets have been created through investments in real property, and we know most of the opportunities and pitfalls and therefore offer consultancy regarding investment strategy, optimisation of operations as well as VAT and taxes and planning of sales.

We provide consultancy on how to avoid the typical pitfalls when investing in real property - and how to ensure stable returns.

We give you insight into what you should consider before investing in real property. You get insight into:


  • what types of property you can invest in
  • how location affects return and risk
  • how you make a sound budget
  • what financing model matches your needs the best
  • VAT issues related to property development, consequences of sale versus renting.

Many companies often express an interest in transferring the ownership of rental properties to close family members, however, it requires long-term planning since the tax succession options available to other companies that are not covered by the rules on dormant capital and passive investment are not available. 

We include these matters at an early stage of our consulting services to allow for planning and to avoid any surprises.

Contact us

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Kontakt os​

​Kontakt os gerne gennem vores kontakt formular eller ring til os på telefon 33 93 38 34.

Første møde

Første gang vi mødes er ganske uforpligtende. Igennem en god dialog finder vi sammen ud af hvad vi kan være behjælpelige med.

Opstart af ​samarbejde

Vi påbegynder arbejdet med de ydelser vi er blevet enige om at udføre og står selvsagt klar til yderligere sparring.

Det langvarige samarbejde​

Efter vi er blevet klogere på jeres virksomhed står vi yderligere klar til rådgivning vedr. alt fra generationsskifte, yderligere finansiering og andre gode råd.


Lindevangs Allé 4

2000 Frederiksberg - rutevejledning

Phone.: 33 93 38 34


CVR: 77926410​

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