Consulting services

Our state-authorised public accountants and senior employees have many years’ experience as consultants, and we always find the optimum strategy and solution for the principal shareholder and the company.

We apply an overall strategy for the principal shareholder and company and optimise the overall cash flow and value for both the principal shareholder and the company.

We provide consulting services in:

  • Strategy
  • Restructuring
  • Transformations of businesses
  • Setting up business
  • Acquisition and sale of business
  • Valuation of business
  • Succession planning

We know how to measure and simulate the value of large and small companies.

We have developed a model for calculating the value of your business and we integrate this valuation at the annual business each year.

This means that we regularly follow up on how the value of your business is optimised and prepare an associated action plan for you. The simulation tool answers how specific measures will affect revenue, gross profit, earnings and cash flows.

Financial key figures are vital when assessing the soundness of your business. The key figure analysis gives you a unique visual perspective of your company's growth, profitability, risks and cash flows.

  • You get a personal, impartial consultant who is 100% dedicated to looking after your interests.
  • You will get a 360-degree financial check that gives you an overview and peace of mind.
  • You can reach us all days of the week.
  • We create value for you and your family.

Contact us

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Kontakt os​

​Kontakt os gerne gennem vores kontakt formular eller ring til os på telefon 33 93 38 34.

Første møde

Første gang vi mødes er ganske uforpligtende. Igennem en god dialog finder vi sammen ud af hvad vi kan være behjælpelige med.

Opstart af ​samarbejde

Vi påbegynder arbejdet med de ydelser vi er blevet enige om at udføre og står selvsagt klar til yderligere sparring.

Det langvarige samarbejde​

Efter vi er blevet klogere på jeres virksomhed står vi yderligere klar til rådgivning vedr. alt fra generationsskifte, yderligere finansiering og andre gode råd.


Lindevangs Allé 4

2000 Frederiksberg - rutevejledning

Phone.: 33 93 38 34


CVR: 77926410​

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